Bridging the Pension Divide: How to get a fair divorce settlement

OLS Solicitors Blog

Bridging the Pension Divide: How to get a fair divorce settlement

By Lara Davies on May 9, 2024


Divorce can be an emotionally and financially tumultuous experience, especially for women. One of the most overlooked aspects of divorce settlements is the division of pension assets. Estimates suggest that UK women are missing out on a staggering 2-4 billion in pension savings each year due to inadequate consideration of pensions during divorce proceedings. This alarming trend highlights a pressing need to address the gender pension gap and ensure that women are not disproportionately disadvantaged when their marriages come to an end, spotlighting the critical issue of pension inequality.

The Pension Pitfall: Understanding the Scale of the Issue

The complex nature of pension schemes and the tendency for divorcing parties to prioritize more tangible assets, such as the family home, have contributed to this significant oversight. Research indicates that over a third of divorcees are unaware of the value of their own or their partner’s pension savings. This lack of awareness can have severe consequences, particularly for women who, on average, have significantly lower pension pots compared to their male counterparts, underscoring the importance of understanding one’s pension scheme.

The Gender Pension Gap: A Persistent Challenge

The gender pension gap is a well-documented phenomenon, with women’s average pension savings at retirement age (67) standing at 69,000, compared to 205,000 for men. This disparity is often exacerbated by factors such as career breaks, part-time work, and the gender pay gap. When these factors are combined with the overlooking of pensions during divorce settlements, the financial implications for women can be devastating, affecting both their retirement savings and pension pot.

Pension Splitting: A Vital Step Towards Equality

Pension splitting, or the division of pension assets as part of a divorce settlement, is a crucial step in addressing this imbalance. By ensuring that pensions are given due consideration alongside other assets, such as the family home, women can secure a more equitable financial future. However, the uptake of pension splitting remains low, with estimates suggesting that around 60% of divorces do not involve this crucial step, highlighting the need for a splitting order.

Navigating the Complexities: The Role of Financial Advisers

Financial advisers play a pivotal role in guiding clients through the complexities of pension splitting. They can help clients understand the value of their pension assets, the implications of different settlement options, and the long-term financial consequences of neglecting pensions during the divorce process. By proactively raising the importance of pensions and providing tailored advice, advisers can empower their clients to make informed decisions that safeguard their financial wellbeing, offering essential pensions advice.

Bridging the Awareness Gap: Educating Clients

One of the primary challenges faced by advisers is the lack of client awareness regarding the significance of pensions in divorce settlements. Many clients, particularly women, view pensions as too complicated to bother with, preferring to focus on more tangible assets. Advisers must take a proactive approach in educating their clients, highlighting the long-term implications of overlooking pensions and the potential benefits of pension saving.

Collaborative Approach: Working with Legal Professionals

Advisers can further enhance their impact by collaborating with legal professionals specializing in divorce proceedings. By establishing strong working relationships with solicitors and divorce coaches, advisers can ensure that their clients receive comprehensive support throughout the divorce process. This collaborative approach can help navigate the legal complexities of pension splitting and ensure that women’s financial interests are prioritized.

Overcoming Emotional Barriers: Addressing Client Concerns

Divorce can be an emotionally charged experience, and clients may be reluctant to engage with the intricacies of pension splitting due to fears of ongoing financial entanglement with their ex-partner. Advisers must be prepared to address these concerns sensitively, educating clients on the differences between pension splitting and attachment orders, and emphasizing the long-term benefits of securing a fair division of pension assets.

Leveraging Industry Resources: Empowering Advisers

To better support their clients, advisers can leverage a range of industry resources, such as those provided by Advice Now and the Resolution website. These organizations offer free information and guidance on pension splitting, helping advisers stay up-to-date with the latest developments and best practices in this specialized field, enhancing the quality of pension advice services.

Regional Considerations: Tailoring Advice to Local Contexts

The value of pension assets can vary significantly based on the client’s geographic location and the industries prevalent in their region. Advisers must be attuned to these regional nuances, being mindful of the potential presence of high-value pension schemes, such as those in the banking, military, or manufacturing sectors. By understanding these regional factors, advisers can provide more targeted and effective advice to their clients, ensuring they are well-informed about their pension scheme.

Addressing the Systemic Challenges: Advocating for Change

While individual advisers can make a significant difference in their clients’ lives, addressing the systemic challenges that contribute to pension inequality requires a broader, collaborative approach. Advisers can play a role in advocating for policy changes and industry initiatives that prioritise the equitable division of pension assets during divorce proceedings, ultimately driving systemic change and ensuring a more level playing field for women.

The OLS Advantage: Prioritising Pension Sharing

At OLS Solicitors  we recognize the critical importance of pension sharing in divorce settlements. Our team of experienced legal professionals works closely with financial advisers  to ensure that our clients’ pension assets are given the attention they deserve. By leveraging our in-depth knowledge of pension fund management and the nuances of regional pension schemes, we are uniquely positioned to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients, empowering them to build a secure financial future post-divorce.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The alarming gap in pension savings experienced by women during and after divorce is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. By raising awareness, educating clients, and collaborating with legal professionals, financial advisers can play a pivotal role in bridging this divide and empowering women to achieve greater financial independence. Through a concerted effort to prioritize pension sharing in divorce settlements and promoting automatic enrolment, we can work towards a more equitable future, where women’s long-term financial wellbeing is safeguarded, and the gender pension gap is finally addressed.

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    The Impact of New Divorce Laws and Online Systems on Financial Orders and Pensions

    OLS Solicitors Blog

    The Impact of New Divorce Laws and Online Systems on Financial Orders and Pensions

    By Mark Keenan on April 15, 2024

    diy divorce affecting pensions


    In April 2022, England and Wales introduced a significant reform to their divorce laws, known as the ‘no-fault’ divorce system. This change allows spouses to dissolve their marriage without assigning blame, aiming to simplify and expedite the process. Alongside this, there has been a move towards handling financial remedy applications through online systems. This article explores how these changes might be influencing the frequency and nature of financial orders, particularly concerning pensions, and what this could mean for consumers.


    Reduction in Financial Orders

    Under the new system, the divorce process can be completed in as little as six months, with much of the proceedings handled online. This streamlined approach is designed for efficiency and reduced conflict. However, there are emerging concerns that this speed and ease might lead individuals to bypass comprehensive financial negotiations, particularly concerning pensions.


    Pensions are often one of the largest assets discussed during a divorce, especially for long-term marriages. They are crucial for future financial stability, yet they are complex and require careful consideration to divide fairly. The rapid online process might lead to an under-exploration of pension sharing options, risking significant financial disparities post-divorce, particularly affecting women who have traditionally been disadvantaged in pension accumulations.


    Impact on Pensions

    The streamlined divorce process, combined with the shift towards online financial remedies, could potentially exacerbate existing issues in pension sharing during divorces. Data indicates that only about one-third of divorces result in a financial order involving property and finances, with even fewer addressing pensions. This is concerning because inadequate attention to pension sharing could increase the already significant gender pension gap, leaving more individuals, particularly women, financially vulnerable in retirement.


    The new online systems, while efficient, might not adequately prompt parties to consider complex assets like pensions. There’s a risk that the digital process oversimplifies or omits critical steps needed for fair pension evaluation and division. The emphasis on a quick resolution may inadvertently lead to decisions that prioritize immediate outcomes over long-term fairness and adequacy of pension distribution.


     Implications for Consumers

    For consumers, particularly those nearing retirement, the implications of overlooked or rushed pension arrangements in divorce can be profound. Inadequate pension sharing can result in insufficient retirement funds and a lowered quality of life in later years. Furthermore, the potential for financial disputes and legal challenges may increase if one party feels the pension division was unjust or inadequately considered.



    Increased Awareness and Education: There needs to be greater awareness about the importance of addressing pensions during the divorce process. Educational resources should be made readily available to both parties in a divorce, explaining the long-term benefits and necessities of fair pension sharing.

    Improvements in Online Systems: Online platforms for divorce and financial settlements should include mandatory checks and balances that ensure pensions are considered. These systems could feature prompts or reminders about pension assets or even require a consultation with a financial advisor before finalizing the divorce decree.

    Monitoring and Research: It’s crucial to monitor how the new divorce laws and online systems affect pension sharing outcomes. This research can inform further improvements in policy and practice, ensuring that divorces lead to equitable financial resolutions.


    While the new ‘no-fault’ divorce laws and online systems in England and Wales offer a promise of simplicity and reduced acrimony, there is a critical need to ensure they do not overlook the complex and significant matter of pension sharing. Without proper attention to this aspect, the laws could inadvertently perpetuate or exacerbate financial inequalities, especially among older divorcees. As such, continuous evaluation and adaptation of these systems are essential to safeguard all parties’ financial futures post-divorce.


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      The Essential Guide to Pet-Nups: Securing Your Pet’s Future

      OLS Solicitors Blog

      The Essential Guide to Pet-Nups: Securing Your Pet’s Future

      By Georgina Hitchins on March 25, 2024

      Guide to pet nups

      A pet-nup, or pet nuptial agreement, is becoming an essential document for pet owners facing divorce, catering to the well-being and future of our furry family members [1] [2]. Not only does it outline the care and custody of a pet, but it also ensures an amicable settlement is agreed upon in advance, avoiding heated disputes [1] [2].

      Though not legally binding, courts consider pet-nup arrangements during separations, making it a pivotal document for those wanting to ensure their pet’s welfare [2]. This guide will delve into understanding pet nups, their importance, key elements, and legal navigation, ensuring you’re equipped to secure your pet’s future amidst divorce or separation.

      Understanding Pet-Nups

      In the realm of pet ownership during divorce, understanding the legal and emotional nuances is crucial. Here’s a breakdown:

      • Legal Status of Pets: Traditionally, pets are viewed as property, with custody awarded based on ownership or financial investment [1]. However, pet-nups challenge this view by prioritizing the pet’s well-being and the bond with its owners [3].
      • What is a Pet-Nup?: A pet-nup is a document outlining pets’ living arrangements post-separation [3]. It aims for an amicable care settlement, reducing potential conflicts [2]. Though not always legally binding, courts may consider these agreements during proceedings [2].
      • Key Considerations in a Pet-Nup:
        • Ownership and Custody: Specifies who will care for and physically keep the pet [4].
        • Financial Responsibilities: Details on splitting costs related to the pet’s care, including medical bills, insurance, and daily expenses [2].
        • Visitation Rights: Arrangements for the non-custodial party to visit the pet [4].
        • Future Changes: Provisions for what happens if one party wishes to relocate with the pet [4].

      Pet-nups are becoming essential tools for ensuring pets’ stability and happiness through the turbulence of a breakup, reflecting a shift towards recognizing pets as family members rather than mere property [3].

      Why You Should Consider a Pet-Nup

      Considering a pet-nup is not just about anticipating the end of a relationship; it’s about ensuring the well-being of a cherished family member—your pet. Here’s why it’s worth considering:

      1. Prevention of Disputes: Pet-nups can significantly reduce the likelihood of disputes over pet ownership and custody, which not only saves time and money but also spares all parties involved from unnecessary emotional distress [8].
      2. Peace of Mind for Pet Owners: Knowing that your pet’s future is secure, regardless of personal circumstances, can provide immense peace of mind. Pet-nups ensure that pets are protected in the event of a breakup, prioritizing their well-being above all [4].
      3. Prioritizing the Pet’s Needs: Unfortunately, pets are often considered property in legal disputes. A pet-nup can prevent pets from being treated as mere objects by ensuring that their needs are the priority, thus preventing retaliatory behavior between parties [9] [10].
      • For Existing and Future Pets: Whether you’re entering a relationship with a pet or planning to get one together, a pet-nup is a practical step towards responsible pet ownership [4].
      • Legal Considerations: Despite pets being seen as property by the law, pet-nups can influence court decisions by presenting a clear agreement on the pet’s care, which is especially important given that disputes over pet ownership can become as complex as those involving children [3] [5].
      • The Best Interest of the Pet: It’s recommended to always consider what’s in the best interest of the pet when determining ownership. A pet-nup allows for these considerations to be outlined and agreed upon in advance [10].

      Creating a pet-nup might seem like a daunting task, but it’s a testament to the love and care you have for your pet. It ensures that, no matter what happens, your pet’s future is secure and that their needs are always a priority.

      Key Elements of a Comprehensive Pet-Nup

      Creating a comprehensive pet-nup involves addressing several key areas to ensure the well-being and security of your pet in the event of a relationship dissolution. Here’s a breakdown of essential elements to include:

      • Custody and Ownership: Clearly define who will have custody and be considered the primary owner. This includes specifying care arrangements and how decisions regarding the pet’s welfare are made [4][2].
      • Financial Responsibilities: Outline all financial obligations, such as veterinary bills, insurance payments, daily care costs, and end-of-life expenses. It’s crucial to detail how these expenses will be split or managed [2][13].
      • Visitation and Living Arrangements: Include visitation rights for the non-custodial party, if applicable. Also, address potential scenarios like relocation and how it affects visitation and custody [7][14].
      • Medical Care and Decision-Making: Specify guidelines for medical decisions, including routine care and emergency situations. Deciding on who makes these decisions and how they’re financed is vital [12][14].
      • Additional Considerations: Although not legally enforceable, incorporating lifestyle choices and daily care routines can help minimize conflicts. This may cover diet, exercise, and other aspects of the pet’s lifestyle [12].

      Remember, the focus of the pet-nup should always be “pet-centric,” ensuring decisions prioritize the pet’s welfare and happiness [6].

      Navigating Pets and Divorce Legally

      Navigating the legal landscape of pets and divorce involves understanding both the traditional stance of pets as property and evolving legal perspectives that prioritize their well-being. Here’s a concise guide to legal considerations and strategies:

      • Legal Perspectives on Pets: Traditionally, pets are seen as personal property in divorce proceedings [14][17]. However, states like Alaska, Illinois, and California have begun to consider the best interests of the pet, similar to child custody cases [9][14].
      • Deciding Custody and Ownership: Courts take into account factors such as who owned the pet before the marriage, who has been the primary caregiver, and who can financially support the pet [7][16]. In cases where a decision cannot be made, the pet may be sold, and proceeds split [2].
      • Creating a Pet Custody Plan: To avoid court decisions, couples are encouraged to negotiate pet custody and sharing agreements [14]. This can include detailed visitation arrangements and financial responsibilities for the pet’s care [18]. If disputes arise, mediation is recommended as a first step [14].

      This approach emphasizes the importance of considering the pet’s welfare while also acknowledging the legal reality that pets are still often viewed as property.


      Through the exploration of pet-nups, it’s evident that these agreements aren’t just legal documents—they are a pledge of continuity and well-being for our pets amidst life’s unforeseen events. By prioritizing the pet’s needs, a pet-nup serves as a preventive measure against disputes and ensures that the pet’s welfare remains at the heart of decision-making. Recognizing pets as more than property, the movement toward securing their futures underscores the evolving human-pet bond and reflects a growing societal acknowledgement of pets as integral family members.

      As the guardians of our furry companions, it’s our responsibility to ensure their stability and happiness, no matter the personal circumstances that may arise. Crafting a pet-nup, though it may seem daunting, is a testament to this commitment. For those navigating the complexities of pet ownership amidst life changes, seeking expert guidance can provide clarity and peace of mind. Should you require further information on creating a pet-nup or guidance on ensuring your pet’s future safety, please do not hesitate to contact us


      [1] –
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      [8] –
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      [10] –
      [11] –
      [12] –
      [13] –
      [14] –
      [15] –
      [16] –
      [17] –
      [18] –
      [19] –

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        What are financial remedy orders and can you get one on

        OLS Solicitors Blog

        What are financial remedy orders and can you get one on

        By Lucy Batstone on January 23, 2024

        What is a financial remedy order

        What exactly are Financial Remedy Orders?


        When starting a divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership in the UK, understanding what financial remedy orders are, is essential. This legal framework plays a key role in ensuring a fair division of financial assets and responsibilities between parties. This blog aims to demystify these terms and explain their significance in relation to the no fault divorce system now in place in England and Wales.


        Many of you reading this blog may have chosen to file your divorce yourself on the Government digital portal. You may think that once you have received your final decree, your finances are also dealt with. I am afraid that is simply untrue. The divorce only allows you to remarry, nothing more.

        The only hint that this is an issue is on the page asking if you are a sole or joint applicant when you sign up to start your divorce application.

        Understanding Financial Remedy Orders


        A financial remedy order is a broad term for any court order dealing with financial settlements between individuals in the process of divorcing or dissolving a civil partnership in England and Wales.  Until recently the courts used the term ancillary relief to cover financial applications.

        It encompasses various financial aspects such as property distribution, maintenance payments, and pension sharing. The core aim is to achieve an equitable financial settlement, with special emphasis on the welfare of any children involved.


        Financial Consent Order


        A financial consent order is a specific type of financial remedy order. It’s an agreement reached voluntarily between both parties about how assets and finances should be divided. Most financial remedy orders are by consent. Once agreed and signed the order is reviewed and approved by a court to ensure fairness and legality. This order becomes legally binding once approved, offering both parties protection from future financial claims.


        Clean Break Order


        A clean break order is another form of financial remedy order, designed to sever all financial ties between the divorcing parties. It means that neither party can make a financial claim against the other in the future. This is particularly useful for ensuring long-term financial independence and security post-divorce. Only cases where there is no ongoing financial commitment can have a clean break order.


        The Process of Obtaining These Orders


        The process in obtaining any financial remedy order begins with an application to the court handling the divorce or dissolution. The process involves full financial disclosure by both parties, followed by negotiations and, if necessary, court hearings. A judge may decide in a final hearing if an agreement is not reached, resulting in a legally binding order.

        You cannot get a financial remedy order on


        Although you can now apply for divorce digitally on you cannot apply for financial remedy order digitally. You are still advised to have a solicitor or other qualified legal professional preapre this for you as they are not template documents and can be quite complicated, even with minimal assets.




        1. Financial Remedy Order: A legal order from a court that settles financial disputes in the context of a divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership.


        1. Financial Consent Order: A voluntary agreement between divorcing parties on financial division, made legally binding by court approval.


        1. Clean Break Order: An order that ends all financial commitments between divorcing parties, preventing future financial claims.


        What can Influence a Financial Remedy Order?


        The court considers several factors when determining these orders, such as the welfare of children, the financial needs and capabilities of both parties, the standard of living during the marriage, the duration of the marriage, and contributions made by each party.


        The Importance of Legal Advice


        Given that these orders will regulate the finances of the couple post-divorce, seeking legal advice is crucial. A family law solicitor can provide guidance, representation, and ensure that the settlement is fair and reasonable. You can get decent quality legal advice for a fixed fee without breaking the bank.

        Financial remedy orders, including financial consent orders and clean break orders, are essential in achieving a fair financial settlement in divorce or dissolution cases. Understanding these terms and their implications, along with seeking professional legal advice, can greatly assist divorcing individuals in getting through this challenging process.

        If you would like advice on obtaining a financial remedy order, please contact me on livechat, by phone or request a callback and we can guide you.


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          Find The Right Family Law Solicitor in Swindon: A Comprehensive Guide

          OLS Solicitors Blog

          Find The Right Family Law Solicitor in Swindon: A Comprehensive Guide

          By Lucy Batstone on January 8, 2024

          Family law solicitors in Swindon

          Choosing the right family law solicitor in Swindon is a critical decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your legal matter. Family law encompasses a range of issues, including divorce, child custody, and financial settlements, and finding a solicitor who is not only skilled but also empathetic to your situation is key.

          Understanding Your Needs

          Firstly, understand your specific needs. Family law is a broad subject, and different solicitors may have different areas of expertise. Some might be more experienced in handling complex financial settlements, while others may excel in child custody matters. Identify what you need most from your solicitor – whether it’s strategic advice, emotional support, or expertise in a particular area of family law.

          Research and Recommendations

          Start by researching local solicitors in Swindon. Look for solicitors who specialise in family law, as they will have the specific expertise and understanding of the nuances in this area. Personal recommendations can be invaluable, so ask friends or family members who have gone through similar situations. Online reviews and testimonials can also provide insight into a solicitor’s approach and success rate. One such website is Review Solicitors who rate local firms based on feedback, essentially a Trustpilot for law firms.

          Qualifications and Experience

          Check the qualifications and experience of the solicitors. Look for those who are members of Resolution. This can be an indicator of their commitment to and expertise in fair family law outcomes.

          Free Initial Consultations

          Many family law solicitors in Swindon offer initial consultations, either free or at a reduced rate. Use this as an opportunity to gauge their expertise and how well they understand your case. It’s also a chance to see if you feel comfortable with them, as a good rapport with your lawyer is essential in family law cases.

          Communication and Approach

          Consider the solicitor’s approach to your case. Family law issues can be emotionally charged, so it’s important that your solicitor communicates with you in a way that you understand and are comfortable with. They should be compassionate but also realistic about the outcomes of your case. They should also avoid legalese.

          Costs and Transparency

          Understand the costs involved. Family law solicitors in Swindon may charge differently, so it’s important to have clarity on how you will be billed. Solicitors should be transparent about their fees and provide you with a detailed breakdown. You should be able to see a menu of fees on their website. Are they being transparent?
          There is nothing worse than being told it will cost X amount, only to receive a bill much higher than expected. A good Solicitor will keep you updated on any changes to their estimates as the case progresses, with an explanation.

          Location and Accessibility

          Finally, consider the location and accessibility of the solicitor. While much of the communication can be done remotely, there may be times when face-to-face meetings are necessary. A local solicitor in Swindon will be more accessible for such meetings. Many firms are located in old buildings, with limited parking., so be sure to check out their parking arrangements and whether they are disability friendly.

          Choosing the right family law solicitor in Swindon requires careful consideration of your specific needs, thorough research, and an understanding of the solicitor’s expertise and approach. By taking these factors into account, you can find a solicitor who will provide the support and guidance you need during what can be a challenging time.

          If you think that OLS Solicitors may fit the bill, give us a no obligation call on 01793 676278

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            Navigating Christmas After Divorce: A Parent’s Guide

            OLS Solicitors Blog

            Navigating Christmas After Divorce: A Parent’s Guide

            By Isabel Gillman on December 18, 2023

            Advice on how to cope at Christmas for divorced parents

            Christmas can be hard on parents

            The festive season, particularly Christmas, is a time of joy, family, and celebration. However, for divorced parents, this period can also bring unique challenges. Juggling the emotions of your children, coordinating schedules, and ensuring a joyous atmosphere for everyone involved requires careful planning and sensitivity. This comprehensive guide aims to provide practical tips and advice for divorced parents to navigate the Christmas season successfully, ensuring it remains a time of happiness and warmth for all.

            Understanding the Emotional Landscape:

            Divorce can significantly impact children, and the festive season often amplifies these emotions. It’s essential to acknowledge and validate their feelings. Open conversations, reassurance, and emotional support can help children adjust to the new family dynamics during Christmas.

            Early Communication and Planning:

            Initiate discussions with your ex-partner well in advance. Agree on a schedule that works for everyone, considering both parents’ and children’s preferences. Flexibility and compromise are key to a harmonious arrangement.

            Creating New Traditions:

            While maintaining some old traditions can provide a sense of continuity, creating new ones can be equally important. Engage your children in deciding these new activities, fostering a sense of belonging and excitement.

            Dealing with Extended Family:

            Extended family can be a source of support but also of stress during these times. Communicate your plans clearly to them and set boundaries if necessary. Encourage them to maintain a positive and inclusive attitude towards both parents.

            Balancing Expectations:

            Manage your expectations and those of your children. The first Christmas post-divorce might not be perfect, and that’s okay. Focus on the quality of time spent rather than trying to compensate for the changed family situation.

            Managing Your Own Emotions:

            It’s crucial for parents to take care of their emotional well-being. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed. Remember, your emotional health directly impacts your children’s well-being.

            Alternating Holidays or Celebrating Together:

            Some families find alternating Christmases between parents works best, while others opt for a joint celebration. Assess what suits your family dynamics and children’s needs. Whichever you choose, clear communication and respect for each other’s time are vital.

            Coping Strategies for Parents:

            The holiday season can be lonely for a parent spending Christmas without their children. Plan ahead for these times. Engage in activities that you enjoy, reach out to your social circle, or use this time for self-reflection and relaxation.

            Psychological Impact on Children:

            Be aware of the psychological impact of divorce on children during festive seasons. Watch out for signs of stress or sadness in your children and address them promptly. Professional help like counseling can be beneficial for both parents and children.

            Case Studies and Real-Life Examples:

            Read or research case studies of how other divorced families have successfully managed Christmas can provide practical insights and hope. Sharing real-life experiences normalises the challenges and highlights the potential for positive outcomes. There are multiple groups for parents on platforms such as Facebook that can help.

            Seeking Professional Help:

            In cases where agreements on child arrangements are challenging, seeking professional help from family lawyers or mediators can be a wise decision. They can provide legal guidance and help in finding a solution that is in the best interest of the children.


            Divorce need not cast a shadow over the festive cheer of Christmas. With thoughtful planning, open communication, and a focus on the children’s happiness, divorced parents can ensure a joyful and memorable holiday season for their family. Remember, the essence of Christmas lies in the love and warmth shared, regardless of the family structure.

            Useful resources:

            Child Mind Institute –

            A resource for understanding the psychological impact of divorce on children and how to support them through the festive season.
            Divorce Magazine –

            Provides expert advice on managing family dynamics and children’s well-being during and after divorce.
            Family Lives –

            A UK-based organization offering support and guidance for families going through changes, including coping strategies for holidays.
            The Co-Parenting Handbook –

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              Divorce Day: We debunk the myth of divorce at Christmas

              OLS Solicitors Blog

              Divorce Day: We debunk the myth of divorce at Christmas

              By Georgina Hitchins on December 4, 2023

              An article debunking the myth of divorce day

              Debunking the ‘Divorce Day’ Myth: Understanding the Real Trends in UK Divorce Enquiries

              The media’s portrayal of ‘Divorce Day’, the supposed annual peak day for divorce filings following the festive season, is more of a myth than a reality. In actuality, the increase in divorce enquiries in the UK is more gradual and varies throughout the year. Understanding the real trends behind these enquiries provides a more accurate picture of marital breakdowns and the decisions leading to divorce.

               Beyond theDivorce Day Myth: A Broader Perspective

              The concept of a singular ‘Divorce Day’ stems from anecdotal evidence rather than statistical data. Legal firms often report an increase in enquiries in January, but this does not translate into a specific day with a spike in divorce filings. The decision to divorce is complex, influenced by personal, seasonal, and external factors, and is rarely taken impulsively or confined to a single day.

              Seasonal Trends and Personal Decisions

              While there is an observable rise in divorce enquiries in January, attributed to the reflection and family time during the holidays, it’s part of a gradual increase rather than a one-day event. Other times of the year, such as post-summer holidays and the end of the financial year in April, also see a rise in divorce enquiries. These patterns highlight that the decision to divorce is deeply personal, influenced by a range of factors, and cannot be pinned down to a specific day or season.

              The Influence of External Factors

              Economic conditions, changes in divorce laws, and societal attitudes towards marriage and divorce also play a significant role in when couples decide to divorce. These factors can cause fluctuations in divorce rates and timings, further dispelling the notion of a ‘Divorce Day‘.

              BBC article of divorce day

              Seeking Professional Guidance

              Navigating the complexities of a divorce can be challenging and emotionally taxing. It’s crucial to seek professional legal advice to understand your rights and options. OLS Solicitors, with their expertise in family law, offer comprehensive guidance and support throughout the divorce process. They understand that every situation is unique and provide personalised advice to meet individual needs.

               Take the Next Step with OLS Solicitors

              If you are considering divorce or need advice on family law matters, don’t hesitate to contact OLS Solicitors. Their team of experienced solicitors can provide you with the support and guidance you need during this difficult time. Reach out to OLS Solicitors for a consultation to discuss your specific circumstances and explore the best way forward.

              Wrapping up

              The narrative of a ‘Divorce Day’ simplifies a complex and personal decision. Understanding that divorce is a process influenced by various factors throughout the year is crucial. If you find yourself contemplating divorce, seeking professional advice is a vital step. Contact OLS Solicitors for expert legal guidance and support, ensuring that you navigate this challenging time with the best possible assistance.

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                Why Ignoring Pensions in Divorce Can Be Costly

                OLS Solicitors Blog

                Why Ignoring Pensions in Divorce Can Be Costly

                By Isabel Gillman on November 30, 2023

                why 33% of people do not include pensions in divorce

                The Overlooked Asset: Why Ignoring Pensions in Divorce Can Be Costly


                Divorce is a complex and emotional process, and it’s common for couples to focus on the immediate issues at hand, such as property division and custody arrangements. However, a startling fact has emerged that underscores a significant oversight in many divorce proceedings: 33% of couples did not obtain a financial order and in 2022, 67% of divorcing couples omitted pensions from their divorce settlements.

                The Underestimated Value of Pensions

                Pensions are often one of the most valuable assets in a marriage, yet they are frequently overlooked or undervalued during divorce negotiations. This oversight can lead to significant financial disparities, especially for the spouse who might have taken career breaks or worked part-time to care for family, thus accumulating less in their pension.

                The Long-term Impact of Neglecting Pensions

                The consequences of not addressing pensions in a divorce can be far-reaching. For many, pensions are a key component of retirement planning. Ignoring this asset can result in an unfair division of resources, potentially impacting one’s financial security in later years.

                Why Are Pensions Often Overlooked?

                1. Complexity: Understanding and valuing pensions can be complex. Many couples, and sometimes even legal advisors, may not fully grasp how to approach this issue.

                2. Immediate Concerns: Couples often prioritise immediate assets like homes or savings accounts, overlooking long-term considerations like pensions.

                3. Lack of Awareness: There’s a general lack of awareness about the importance of including pensions in financial settlements.

                The Importance of Obtaining a Financial Order

                A financial order legally separates the financial affairs of a couple, ensuring a fair distribution of assets, including pensions. Without this, either party can make financial claims in the future, leading to legal complications and potential financial loss.

                Case Studies: The Cost of Neglect

                Consider the stories of those who learned the hard way. John, for instance, neglected to claim a share of his ex-wife’s pension. Years later, he faced financial struggles in retirement, while his ex-wife enjoyed a comfortable pension income. Similarly, Sarah overlooked her entitled share of her husband’s pension, focusing only on immediate assets, which later affected her retirement plans.

                Steps to Protect Your Interests

                1. Seek Professional Advice: Consult with a financial advisor or a solicitor who specialises in divorce to understand the value of pensions in your case.

                2. Insist on a Financial Order:Ensure that all assets, including pensions, are accounted for in the divorce settlement.

                3. Educate Yourself:Understand the types of pensions involved and how they can be divided or shared.

                Don’t Leave Your Future to Chance

                The data is clear: neglecting pensions in divorce can have lasting consequences. As part of a balanced approach to divorce settlements, it’s crucial to consider all assets, especially pensions, to safeguard your financial future. Don’t be part of the statistic; ensure your peace of mind by addressing every aspect of your shared assets, for a fair and secure tomorrow.


                This article aims to raise awareness and encourage thoughtful consideration of all assets during divorce proceedings. If you would like bespoke advice about the topic of this article please contact one of our team.

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                  OLS Solicitors: Premier Divorce Lawyers for Celebrities and High-Profile Clients

                  OLS Solicitors Blog

                  OLS Solicitors: Premier Divorce Lawyers for Celebrities and High-Profile Clients

                  By Lara Davies on November 29, 2023

                  discreet divorce lawyer services

                  OLS Solicitors: Premier Divorce Lawyers for Celebrities and High-Profile Clients


                  Discreet Divorce Legal Services for Public Figures


                  At OLS Solicitors, we specialise in offering tailored legal solutions for celebrities and high-profile clients undergoing divorce and separation. Our firm is known for its commitment to privacy, having acted for a number of very high profile individuals, making us a sensible choice for those seeking confidentiality in sensitive matters.


                  Expert Legal Representation for High-Profile Divorce Cases

                  Bespoke Strategies for Unique Challenges: Our experienced team excels in managing divorce cases for public figures, ensuring personalised strategies that cater to your specific needs and can work with your team to ensure maximum confidentiality or exposure if required.

                   Ensuring Maximum Confidentiality and Discretion

                  Your Privacy is Our Concern: We prioritise your privacy, keeping the details of your case confidential and secure from public exposure.

                  The Strategic Advantage of a Regional Law Firm

                  Avoiding the Public Eye in London: Choosing our regional firm over a London-based counterpart reduces media attention, offering a more discreet legal experience while maintaining top-tier legal advice.

                  Personalised Legal Services for Emotional Support

                  A Supportive and Empathetic Approach: We understand the emotional impact of divorce and offer a caring and supportive service, tailored to each client’s individual needs.

                  Comprehensive Legal Solutions for Complex Divorce Issues

                  Covering All Aspects of Divorce Law: From financial settlements to custody arrangements, we provide comprehensive legal support, ensuring decisions are made in your best interest.

                  Choose OLS Solicitors for Confidential and Professional Legal Assistance

                  OLS Solicitors stands out as the optimal choice for celebrities and high-profile individuals seeking a private and professional divorce. Our regional presence, combined with our expertise in handling sensitive cases, guarantees a discreet and effective legal process.

                  Contact our Director Lara Davies for a discreet chat today.

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                    Autumn Equine Law Guide: Navigating Seasonal Legal Challenges in Horse Ownership

                    OLS Solicitors Blog

                    Autumn Equine Law Guide: Navigating Seasonal Legal Challenges in Horse Ownership

                    By Lara Davies on November 10, 2023

                    An article about common legal issues in the horse world in Autumn in the UK

                    Navigating the Busy Season: Understanding Autumn’s Peak in Equine Law Issues 


                    As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisp, the equine world gears up for one of its busiest times of the year. Autumn is not just a season of natural beauty and harvest; it’s also a critical period for equine law issues. Whether you’re a horse owner, breeder, trainer, or involved in equestrian sports, understanding why this season sees a surge in legal matters is essential for navigating the complexities of equine law. 

                     Sale and Purchase of Horses


                    Autumn is a prime time for buying and selling horses. After the summer competitions and before the winter lull, many owners make decisions about selling or acquiring horses. This increase in transactions naturally leads to a rise in contractual matters, ownership disputes, and concerns over warranties and misrepresentations. It’s crucial for parties involved in these transactions to seek legal advice to ensure that contracts are fair, clear, and legally binding. 

                     Breeding Contracts and Disputes


                    Breeding season typically begins in early spring, and by autumn, many issues related to breeding contracts come to the forefront. This can include disputes over stud fees, breeding rights, shares of ownership in future stock and the health of equines. These matters require careful navigation, often necessitating the involvement of equine lawyers to resolve conflicts and protect the interests of all parties involved. 

                     Liability Issues in Equestrian Events


                    The autumn season continues to host numerous equestrian events, with many competitors attempting to get their final qualifications for Winter Championships held in the spring. These events can be hotbeds for liability issues, especially as the season turns and decisions must be made as to whether events are held in adverse weather. The change in the weather can often result in accidents and injuries to horses, riders, and spectators. Understanding the nuances of liability, insurance, and waivers is essential for event organizers, participants, and owners alike. 

                     Livery and Welfare Concerns


                    As the weather changes, the care of horses becomes more complex. The shorter days and increase in poor weather cause difficulties for most horse owners but this time of year often sees an increase in disputes regarding stable management, horse welfare, and livery agreements. Questions about liability for injury or illness, the quality of care provided by livery yards, and the responsibilities of both parties under a livery agreement are more common at this time of year. 

                     End-of-Year Tax Planning


                    For professionals in the equine industry, autumn is a critical time for tax planning. Navigating the complexities of equine businesses, understanding tax liabilities, and making informed decisions about assets and investments require careful legal and financial planning. 

                     Preparation for the Winter Months


                    Lastly, autumn is a period of preparation for the harsher winter months. This includes making arrangements for winter livery, feed, and care, which often involve legal considerations, especially in contractual arrangements with service providers. 




                    In conclusion, autumn’s busy equine calendar, with its sales, events, and preparations for winter, brings a multitude of legal issues to the fore. For those involved in the equine world, being aware of these seasonal legal challenges and seeking expert advice is key to ensuring that this busy season is both successful and legally sound. Whether you’re a seasoned equestrian or new to the field, understanding the significance of equine law this autumn is essential for a smooth and enjoyable season with your equine partners.

                    Please visit our dedicated equine law page for more information and costs.

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                      Explore financial options for women facing divorce in England & Wales

                      OLS Solicitors Blog

                      Explore financial options for women facing divorce in England & Wales

                      By Georgina Hitchins on November 7, 2023

                      women's guide to funding a divorce

                      Navigating Your Divorce: Financial Options for Women in England and Wales

                      Divorce can be one of life’s most stressful experiences, and the financial aspect can often add to the strain, particularly for women who may have been out of the workforce or are earning less than their partners. However, in England and Wales, there are several pathways available for women to secure funding for divorce proceedings. This post explores the various options to help women navigate this challenging time with greater financial ease.

                      Understanding the Costs

                      Before diving into funding options, it’s important to understand the costs involved in a divorce. Solicitor’s fees, court costs, and potential financial settlements can accumulate quickly. It’s not just about the legal fees; you might need financial advice, valuations for property, or even counselling services.

                      Personal Savings or Income

                      The most straightforward way to fund a divorce is through personal savings or income. This is the most private and straightforward method, though it’s not feasible for everyone. If you are considering using your savings, it’s important to ensure you’ll have enough left to support your post-divorce life.

                      Family and Friends

                      Borrowing money from family or friends is another option. This route can be beneficial as it may come without interest rates and with flexible repayment terms. However, it’s important to consider the potential strain on relationships and to have a clear agreement about repayment terms to prevent future disputes.

                      Legal Aid

                      Legal Aid is no longer widely available for divorce cases in England and Wales due to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO). However, it may still be an option in cases involving domestic abuse or child protection issues. If you believe you may qualify, contact a solicitor who can advise you on your eligibility.

                      Litigation Loan

                      A litigation loan is a loan specifically designed to fund legal expenses. You borrow the money to pay your solicitor and then repay the loan once your divorce settlement is finalised. The benefit is that it allows you to proceed with your case immediately, but it’s important to consider the interest rates and ensure the settlement will cover the repayment.

                      Credit Cards or Personal Loans

                      Using a credit card or obtaining a personal loan is another avenue. This can be a quick way to access funds, but it’s crucial to consider the interest rates and repayment schedule. This should be a last resort, given the potential for creating long-term financial liabilities.

                      Legal Services Payment Order

                      If your spouse has the means to pay for legal services and you do not, you can apply for a Legal Services Payment Order. This requires your spouse to pay your legal fees. This can be particularly helpful if your spouse has been the main breadwinner and you have limited access to funds.

                      Spousal Maintenance

                      If you are married, you might be entitled to spousal maintenance during the divorce proceedings. This maintenance can be used to cover your legal costs, although it’s more commonly used for everyday expenses.

                      Divorce Funding Firms

                      There are firms that specialise in funding divorce cases. They provide the funds needed to cover legal costs and are repaid from the financial settlement. This can be a viable option if you expect to receive a substantial settlement but don’t have access to the funds upfront.


                      A more modern approach is crowdfunding, where you ask a large number of people for small amounts of money to fund your legal battle. Websites like GoFundMe are commonly used for this purpose. This option requires publicising your divorce, which may not be comfortable for everyone.

                      Cutting Costs Where Possible

                      To minimise the need for external funding, it’s worth exploring ways to cut costs. Mediation or collaborative divorce proceedings can be less expensive than going through the courts. Being organised and doing some of the administrative legwork yourself can also reduce solicitor fees.

                      Invest in Good Advice

                      Regardless of the funding option you choose, investing in good legal advice is crucial. A skilled solicitor can help you understand your rights and the financial implications of your divorce. They can also support you in negotiations, potentially increasing your settlement and making it easier to cover your legal costs.


                      Funding a divorce in England and Wales can be a complex process, but there are several options available for women. It’s essential to assess your individual circumstances, consider the short and long-term implications of each funding route, and seek professional advice. With careful planning and the right support, you can navigate your divorce proceedings with confidence and security, paving the way for a stable future.

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                        Divorce and Immigration in England and Wales: Expert Insights from OLS Solicitors

                        OLS Solicitors Blog

                        Divorce and Immigration in England and Wales: Expert Insights from OLS Solicitors

                        By Isabel Gillman on October 20, 2023

                        "Passport control desk symbolising immigration issues intersecting with divorce, a topic covered by OLS Solicitors in England and Wales."

                        Immigration and Divorce Advice: The Essentials

                        At OLS Solicitors, we are seasoned in navigating the intricate challenges that intertwine divorce and immigration laws. Our wealth of expertise ensures that we offer nuanced insights to aid individuals in steering through these complex processes with ease. In this piece, we delve into the legal landscape of divorce and immigration in England and Wales, offering an in-depth analysis and practical steps for those confronting these dual issues.

                        Spouse Visa Implications

                        For those holding a spouse visa in England and Wales, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential effects of divorce on their immigration status. This visa is deeply rooted in the marital relationship, and its validity can be put in jeopardy when the marriage comes to an end. Our legal experts at OLS Solicitors are proficient in navigating these legal intricacies and are on hand to advise on the ensuing steps and alternatives available.

                        Parent of a British Child

                        Non-EU nationals with a British child have certain legal provisions that can aid their continued stay in the country post-divorce. Our adept team is well-versed in applying these intricate rules, ensuring that parents are equipped with essential information and guidance to uphold their child’s welfare.

                        The Legal Framework in England and Wales

                        England and Wales have their unique legal requisites for divorce, distinct from Scotland, without the necessity for an extended period of separation. However, the complex nature of immigration laws can still present challenges, particularly for spouse visa holders.

                        Strategic Steps to Consider
                        Professional Legal Advice

                        Enlisting our skilled solicitors ensures that you’re endowed with personalised advice, sculpted to fit your individual circumstances. We are committed to offering clear, concise, and pragmatic legal solutions to alleviate the complexities intertwined with divorce and immigration.

                        Timing and Strategy

                        We at OLS Solicitors underline the pivotal role of strategic timing in commencing divorce proceedings, especially when intertwined with immigration issues. Every case is meticulously assessed to proffer bespoke advice on manoeuvring these concurrent legal challenges.

                        Prioritising Children’s Welfare

                        The welfare of children remains central to our legal practice. We are steadfast in ensuring that all legal decisions and actions are anchored in the paramount interest of the children, balancing varied elements to assure their holistic welfare.

                        Understanding Immigration Laws

                        Our expertise stretches to imparting a comprehensive grasp of the immigration laws in England and Wales. We empower our clients with intricate knowledge and insights, equipping them to make well-informed decisions through every legal phase.


                        At OLS Solicitors, our dedication lies in proffering expert legal counsel, adeptly navigating the entwined paths of divorce and immigration with precision and care. Each case bears its unique nuances, and our tailored approach ensures personalised, strategic advice for every client. For consultations or additional information, engage our team of legal professionals, committed to safeguarding your welfare and that of your children through every legal stride.

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                          The Complex Legal Landscape of Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner

                          OLS Solicitors Blog

                          The Complex Legal Landscape of Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner

                          By Lara Davies on October 17, 2023

                          Joe Jonas an international divorce

                          Unravelling the Legal Complexities of Jonas and Turner’s International Separation

                          In the professional realm of family law, the separation between celebrities Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner unveils the intricate legal challenges faced by couples residing in multiple jurisdictions. Their transatlantic lifestyle, oscillating between Los Angeles and London, amplifies these complexities.

                          A Spotlight on International Family Law

                          The couple, parents to two children, are navigating the process of disentangling their lives amidst the legal frameworks of both the U.S. and the U.K. Their separation not only captures public attention but also serves as an illuminative case study into the realm of international family law, shedding light on nuanced legal intricacies that are often overlooked amidst their professional accomplishments.

                          Child Custody Across Borders

                          A significant hurdle lies in establishing child custody arrangements. The U.S. and the U.K., despite their cultural similarities, adhere to differing legal protocols. In California, the child’s best interests are paramount, often resulting in joint custody arrangements. Meanwhile, in England and Wales, the judicial system employs a comprehensive analysis of familial dynamics, living arrangements, and parenting capacities to determine custody.

                          Division of Assets

                          The division of assets introduces another layer of complexity. California’s community property law mandates an equitable division of assets accrued during marriage. In contrast, England and Wales adopts a more discretionary approach, with courts considering factors like each spouse’s contributions, the marital standard of living, and the future needs of each party.

                          Navigating Jurisdictional Disparities

                          The choice of legal venue for the divorce proceedings is pivotal, given the jurisdictional disparities. This decision will influence immediate logistical aspects of the separation and shape the enduring post-separation landscape for both the couple and their children.

                          International Dimensions of Separation

                          The couple’s transatlantic lifestyle adds intricacies, with issues like dual citizenship, international taxation, and property ownership taking centre stage. Enforcing financial and custodial agreements across international boundaries introduces an additional layer of complexity, necessitating adept legal navigation.

                          The Imperative for Expert Lawyers

                          From a professional standpoint, this separation underscores the need for legal counsel proficient in international family law. Balancing jurisdictional nuances while upholding the welfare of the involved children is paramount, illuminating the intricate dance of international family law.

                          The Public Gaze and Legal Proceedings

                          As the public’s gaze remains affixed upon this unfolding narrative, legal professionals are tasked with ensuring that the welfare of the children and equitable treatment of both parties remain central. Each step in this process resounds with implications echoing through the familial landscape for years to come.

                          Concluding Thoughts on International Separation

                          The separation of Jonas and Turner provides compelling insight into the nuanced world of international family law. It accentuates the need for legal expertise that transcends international boundaries, offering compassionate and strategic guidance amidst the confluence of personal, familial, and international considerations.

                          The Need for Meticulous Approach

                          Each case of this calibre underscores the imperative for a meticulous, informed, and compassionate approach. It highlights the necessity of adept legal navigation tailored to the unique complexities presented by international separations, ensuring that the legal process is not only judicially sound but also considerate of the human elements involved.

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                            Simplify Child Arrangements for The Summer Holidays

                            OLS Solicitors Blog

                            Simplify Child Arrangements for The Summer Holidays

                            By Lara Davies on July 28, 2023

                            learn how to arrange holidays when you are separated

                            Child Arrangements in the holidays – Plan Ahead for Success!

                            Navigating child arrangements during the summer holidays after a separation can be a challenging task for many parents. At OLS Solicitors, we understand the difficulties that may arise when trying to come to an agreement with your ex-partner. To help you through this period, we have prepared some guidance that we hope will prove beneficial during the holidays.

                            Start planning early

                            Our first piece of advice is to start planning child arrangements well in advance of the school holidays. Last-minute decisions are more likely to clash with your ex-partner’s plans and may not work out smoothly. Early planning and open communication are key. Put together a comprehensive plan outlining how you intend to share your time during the holidays and share this with your ex-partner for their consideration.

                            When discussing arrangements, it’s crucial to include all relevant details, such as exact timings and locations for pick-ups and drop-offs, to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts. Do not involve the children in dealing with these logistics; it’s the responsibility of the parents to handle these matters.

                            For added clarity, we recommend following up any verbal discussions with a written message or email confirming the agreed-upon arrangements. This documentation can help prevent any confusion or disagreements later on.

                            Planning a Holiday? Coordinate with Your Ex-Partner!

                            If you’re planning a holiday during the school break, always communicate with your ex-partner before booking any dates. Ensuring both parents are aware of holiday plans helps avoid overlapping vacations.

                            With a total of 13 weeks of school holidays each year, it should be feasible to find non-conflicting periods for holidays. As always, confirm any discussions regarding holiday plans in writing to avoid future disputes.

                            Traveling Abroad with Your Child?

                            For international travel with your child, it’s essential to obtain permission from all parties with parental responsibility. This applies unless one parent has a child arrangements order, and even then, missed time with the other parent needs to be made up. Provide full flight and accommodation information to the other parent as part of the permission process.

                            Not obtaining permission to take your child abroad could lead to criminal charges for abduction. If your ex-partner refuses to grant permission, you can seek a Specific Issue Order from the Court, allowing you to take the child abroad for a specific period.

                            Conversely, if your ex-partner intends to take your child abroad, and you have concerns, it is advisable to seek advice from a Family Lawyer to understand your rights and explore available options.

                            Traveling within England or Wales?

                            At present, there is no legal requirement to obtain the other parent’s consent to take your child on holiday within England or Wales, even if they have parental responsibility. Scotland and Northern Ireland have different legal systems, but no specific agreement is required for children to travel there.

                            However, if there is a Court Order in place that prohibits taking the child on holiday, the police and courts can intervene to ensure compliance, as Court Orders for Child Arrangements are legally binding.

                            Arranging Contact with the Other Parent During the Holiday

                            To avoid misunderstandings or conflicts during the holiday, it’s essential to manage expectations regarding contact with the other parent. Agree on when and how often the child can make or receive telephone/video calls. Sharing holiday details, such as location and itinerary, with the other parent can help alleviate concerns for the parent staying at home.

                            Our Committed Family Lawyers Are Here to Help

                            At OLS Solicitors, our dedicated team of Family Lawyers is here to assist you with all matters related to child arrangements. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to explore how we can support you through this challenging period.

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                              Understanding Sears Tooth Agreements in Family Law | Your Family Law Guide

                              OLS Solicitors Blog

                              Understanding Sears Tooth Agreements in Family Law | Your Family Law Guide

                              By Peter Thomas on June 20, 2023

                              sears tooth agreements being signed for legal fees

                              The Use of Sears Tooth Agreements in Family Law

                              Family law cases, particularly those related to divorce and financial settlements, can often be complex and emotionally charged. Navigating these waters requires not just legal expertise, but also a keen understanding of the various tools and mechanisms available to ensure fair representation. One such tool that has gained prominence in recent times is the Sears Tooth Agreement.

                              What is a Sears Tooth Agreement?

                              A Sears Tooth Agreement is a specific type of agreement between a solicitor and their client, most commonly used in family law cases. Named after the law firm Sears Tooth which first used it, the agreement allows a solicitor to directly collect their fees from any financial settlement obtained by the client, typically in a divorce case.

                              This type of agreement can be particularly useful in situations where a financially weaker party (usually the wife) may not have the immediate means to pay for legal representation. It ensures that everyone has access to legal representation, regardless of their current financial situation.

                              The Mechanics of a Sears Tooth Agreement

                              Under a Sears Tooth Agreement, a solicitor’s fees are secured by a charge over the assets that are the subject of the financial settlement. This means that once the court orders a settlement, the solicitor’s fees are paid directly from this settlement before the client receives their share. It’s worth noting that the agreement must be carefully drafted to comply with the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s rules and the agreement should always be in writing.

                              The Benefits and Risks

                              One of the main benefits of a Sears Tooth Agreement is that it can enable access to legal representation for those who might not otherwise be able to afford it. This is particularly important in family law cases, where the stakes can be high and the outcome can have significant long-term effects on the parties involved.

                              However, Sears Tooth Agreements are not without their risks. For the client, there’s a risk that the legal fees might consume a significant portion of their settlement. For the solicitor, there’s a risk that if the settlement is less than expected, or even non-existent, they may not receive full payment for their services.


                              As with any legal agreement, it’s important to fully understand the implications of a Sears Tooth Agreement before entering into one. For some, it can be a lifeline, providing access to legal representation in challenging family disputes. However, it’s always recommended that clients seek independent legal advice to ensure that they are making an informed decision.

                              The use of Sears Tooth Agreements in family law underlines the need for flexible and innovative legal solutions. As family law continues to evolve, these agreements remain a testament to the commitment of legal professionals to ensure fair and equitable representation for all parties involved.

                              Remember, every case is unique, and it’s essential to get legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances. If you think a Sears Tooth Agreement might be right for you, consult with one of our experienced family law solicitors who can guide you through the process.

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                                Introducing One Couple One Lawyer Divorce Service: A Unique Approach to Simplifying Separation

                                OLS Solicitors Blog

                                Introducing One Couple One Lawyer Divorce Service: A Unique Approach to Simplifying Separation

                                By Peter Thomas on June 14, 2023

                                Why a one lawyer one couple divorce might be good for you

                                Introducing “De-Couple – One-Couple One Lawyer” by OLS Solicitors: A Unique Approach to Managing Separation

                                Why is Joint Impartial Legal Advice from OLS Solicitors Beneficial?

                                One crucial aspect often overlooked by separating couples is the necessity for a court order to legalise any post-divorce agreements concerning finances or child arrangements. This isn’t simply a formality; a judge must evaluate the agreement’s fairness by scrutinising a summary of your financial assets and comparing it to the proposed settlement. If deemed unfair, the court order won’t be granted.

                                As a result, knowing what a judge would find fair in your specific situation as early as possible allows for constructive negotiations, reassuring you that your agreement will likely not be rejected by the court.

                                Advantages of OLS Solicitors’ “De-Couple – One-Couple One Solicitor” Service

                                Reducing Conflict


                                With OLS Solicitors’ service, both parties learn together what a court would consider fair, thus promoting a shared understanding. This enables you to treat the divorce as a mutual challenge rather than a battle, fostering a fair and equitable agreement.

                                Saving Time

                                The average divorce can take up to 14 months to complete. In contrast, our “One Couple One Lawyer” service aims to expedite this timeline to approximately 6-7 months. We offer bespoke, expert advice to ensure that constructive negotiations conclude within 8 weeks, maintaining open lines of communication and making necessary concessions less burdensome.

                                Cutting Legal Costs

                                Traditional divorce proceedings can be costly, often exceeding £30,000 and can sky rocket if court appearances with individual solicitors are needed. Our “De-Couple – One Couple One Lawyer” service is streamlined and offers a fixed fee, providing financial clarity from the outset.


                                Choosing OLS Solicitors’ “One Couple One Lawyer” service offers an innovative, cost-effective, and time-saving approach to managing separation. It minimises conflict and enables smoother negotiations, making it a viable option for many. Contact us today for a free initial consultation to determine if this unique service is the right fit for you.

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                                  OLS Solicitors launch new equine law service

                                  OLS Solicitors Blog

                                  OLS Solicitors launch new equine law service

                                  By Lara Davies on June 12, 2023

                                  Lara Hooper equine law expert

                                  New equine law service launches led by Lara Davies, equestrian and lawyer

                                  OLS Solicitors is pleased to announce the launch of a new equine law service. The firm’s decision to expand into this area of practice is rooted in their understanding of the unique legal needs of the equine world, including equestrians, farmers, and landowners.


                                  Senior level expertise in equine matters


                                  This new service is led by Lara Davies, a Director and solicitor specialising in Matrimonial and Private Children matters, who brings her personal passion and knowledge of the equine industry into play to provide comprehensive legal services tailored to clients’ needs.

                                  Lara Davies seasoned dressage competitor and horse owner


                                  Davies, a seasoned dressage competitor, understands the intricacies of the equine world first-hand, having spent her life successfully competing in national and regional level dressage competitions. Her experience in the saddle gives her a unique insight into the challenges and issues equestrians face. Combining this with her legal expertise, she is perfectly placed to guide clients through the complexities of equine law.


                                  Wide range of equine law services covered


                                  The equine law services offered by OLS Solicitors span a wide range of areas. These include Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements, Matrimonial Finances, Equine Dispute Resolution, Equine Drafting, and Wills and Inheritance Disputes. Each of these services is tailored to provide specialist advice on how equestrian and agricultural assets are treated and protected, particularly in the context of divorce and inheritance disputes.


                                  Equine dispute resolution services


                                  For instance, OLS Solicitors’ Equine Dispute Resolution service assists clients with all aspects of equine disputes, from the mis-selling of equines to loan disputes and ownership disagreements. Their senior solicitors work to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively, aiming to minimise clients’ legal costs.



                                  Equine drafting services


                                  The Equine Drafting service, on the other hand, is designed to prevent disputes from arising in the first place. This service offers drafting services in areas like loan agreements, agreements for sale and purchase, ownership and shared ownership, livery agreements, and more.

                                  Our commitment to the equine world


                                  In launching this equine law service, OLS Solicitors demonstrate their commitment to serving the unique needs of the equine world. With a team of senior solicitors equipped with personal understanding of the equine and agricultural industry, they are ready to assist clients in protecting their assets and resolving their disputes efficiently.


                                  The equine industry is complex and multifaceted. Legal issues can be just as complicated, requiring a deep understanding of both the law and the industry. Lara Hooper’s unique blend of legal acumen and personal equine experience places OLS Solicitors in an excellent position to provide a first-class service to their clients. Whether you are a horse owner, farmer, or landowner, you can trust in OLS Solicitors’ equine law services to help you navigate the legal landscape with confidence.

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                                    The Dangers of DIY Divorce in a no fault world

                                    OLS Solicitors Blog

                                    The Dangers of DIY Divorce in a no fault world

                                    By Isabel Gillman on June 12, 2023

                                    the dangers of a diy divorce

                                    As many couples seek to streamline their divorce process and cut costs, the concept of a “Do-It-Yourself” (DIY) divorce has gained traction, following the introduction of no fault divorce in 2022. While it can be a viable option for some, it carries inherent risks, particularly when it comes to unresolved financial matters. The dangers of moving forward with a DIY divorce without a financial settlement can range from minor inconveniences to serious, life-altering consequences. Here’s why.

                                    Lack of Legal Guidance

                                    In a DIY divorce, you’re essentially navigating the legal process without professional assistance. While this can save on solicitors fees, it might also leave you vulnerable to errors and omissions. Financial matters in a no fault divorce can be complex, involving issues such as property division, spousal support, and child support. Without expert advice, you may overlook significant aspects, which can lead to an inequitable distribution of assets.

                                    Binding Decisions

                                    One of the most notable dangers of proceeding with a divorce without settling your financial matters is the potential permanence of the decisions you make. Once a divorce is finalised, reversing or modifying the financial arrangements can be a complex, time-consuming, and very costly process. It’s vital to understand that decisions made during divorce proceedings often have long-term implications.

                                    Potential for Conflict

                                    Unresolved financial issues are a common source of conflict during and after a divorce. If financial matters are not properly addressed in the divorce process, disputes can re-emerge down the line, causing stress and potentially leading to legal battles. We are going to see many disputes around unresolved finances coming our way in years to come.

                                    Risk of Financial Loss

                                    Without a thorough understanding of your financial situation, and a formal financial settlement, there’s a risk of suffering financial loss. This could be through an unfair division of assets, or by inadvertently taking on more debt than you anticipated. It’s also possible that future assets or earnings could be claimed by your ex-spouse if the financial ties were not completely severed during the divorce.

                                    What’s the conclusion?

                                    While a DIY divorce might seem appealing, especially when you’re eager to move on, it’s essential to take a step back and consider the potential consequences. Unresolved financial issues can turn what was meant to be a straightforward process into a protracted, expensive ordeal.

                                    It’s recommended to seek legal advice before proceeding with a divorce, especially when there are significant financial matters at stake. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need to hire a lawyer for full representation, but even a short consultation can provide valuable insights and help you avoid potential pitfalls. Remember, divorce isn’t just about ending a relationship; it’s also about safeguarding your financial future. Be cautious, be thorough, and don’t rush the process.

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                                      The Importance of Barristers in Family Law Cases: Why Solicitors Work with Them

                                      OLS Solicitors Blog

                                      The Importance of Barristers in Family Law Cases: Why Solicitors Work with Them

                                      By Lucy Batstone on April 27, 2023

                                      Barristers and solicitors often work together in family law cases

                                      When it comes to family law cases, solicitors often work with barristers to provide their clients with the best possible representation. While solicitors are trained to handle legal matters, barristers have specialised skills and expertise that make them invaluable in these types of cases.

                                      In this blog post, we will explore some of the key reasons why solicitors tend to use barristers in family law cases.

                                      Expertise and Experience

                                      One of the primary reasons why solicitors work with barristers in family law cases is because of their specialised expertise and experience. Barristers have typically undergone extensive training and have years of experience in specific areas of the law, including family law.

                                      They have a deep understanding of the nuances of family law cases, including the legal frameworks and precedents that govern these cases. This expertise allows them to provide valuable insights and advice to solicitors and their clients, and to develop effective legal strategies that can help them achieve the best possible outcome.

                                      Effective Advocacy

                                      Barristers are also skilled advocates who can represent their clients in court. They have honed their advocacy skills through years of experience in courtrooms and have developed an ability to present their clients’ cases in a clear and compelling manner.

                                      This is particularly important in family law cases, where emotions can run high and the stakes are often high. Barristers can help to ensure that their clients’ voices are heard and that their interests are effectively represented in court.

                                      Working in Partnership

                                      Solicitors and barristers also work in partnership to provide the best possible representation for their clients. Solicitors are typically the first point of contact for clients, and they handle much of the preparation and research required for a case.

                                      Barristers then work with solicitors to develop legal strategies and to represent clients in court. This partnership allows solicitors to provide their clients with the benefit of specialised expertise and advocacy skills, while also ensuring that they have a deep understanding of their clients’ cases and the issues at stake.

                                      Faster and More Efficient Legal Proceedings

                                      Working with barristers can also help to speed up the legal proceedings in family law cases. Barristers are often able to provide expert advice and guidance that can help solicitors to make quicker and more informed decisions, reducing the time and resources required for a case.

                                      In addition, barristers are trained to be efficient in their advocacy, presenting arguments and evidence in a concise and effective manner. This can help to reduce the length of court hearings and to resolve cases more quickly.

                                      Reduced Stress for Clients

                                      Family law cases can be incredibly stressful for clients, particularly when they involve issues such as child custody or divorce. Working with barristers can help to reduce this stress by providing clients with expert representation and guidance.

                                      Barristers can help clients to understand their legal options and to develop strategies that are focused on achieving their goals. They can also represent clients in court, helping to reduce the emotional burden of having to do so themselves.

                                      Cost-Effective Solutions

                                      While working with barristers can be expensive, it can also be a cost-effective solution in the long run. Barristers can help solicitors to develop legal strategies that are focused on achieving their clients’ goals, reducing the time and resources required for a case.

                                      In addition, barristers can often provide clients with the benefit of their expertise and experience, helping them to avoid costly mistakes and to achieve the best possible outcome in their case.


                                      In conclusion, there are many reasons why solicitors tend to use barristers in family law cases. Barristers have specialised expertise and experience in family law, and can provide valuable insights and guidance to solicitors and their clients.

                                      They are also skilled advocates who can represent clients in court, helping to ensure that their voices are heard and that their interests are effectively represented. Working with barristers can also help to speed up legal proceedings, reduce stress

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                                        Navigating Grandparents’ Rights in England and Wales: A Guide for Families

                                        OLS Solicitors Blog

                                        Navigating Grandparents’ Rights in England and Wales: A Guide for Families

                                        By Peter Thomas on April 26, 2023

                                        women's guide to funding a divorce

                                        We understand that grandparents play a significant role in the lives of their grandchildren, and you may have concerns about maintaining contact with your grandchildren following a family breakdown. In England and Wales, grandparents do not have automatic legal rights to see their grandchildren, but there are circumstances in which they can apply to the court for access. This post aims to provide an overview of grandparents’ rights in England and Wales.

                                        Grandparents’ rights refer to the legal rights that grandparents have to maintain contact with their grandchildren. However, it is important to note that grandparents do not have an automatic legal right to see their grandchildren in England and Wales. Instead, grandparents can apply to the court for a Child Arrangements Order. This order sets out who a child should live with, spend time with, and have contact with.

                                        To apply for a Child Arrangements Order, grandparents need the permission of the parent or guardian of the child or must have already been granted leave to apply by the court. Once the application has been made, the court will consider the best interests of the child when making a decision.

                                        When considering a grandparent’s application for a Child Arrangements Order, the court will look at a range of factors, including the child’s welfare, their relationship with their grandparents, and the wishes and feelings of the child. The court will also consider any risks to the child’s safety and well-being.

                                        It is important to seek legal advice before making an application for a Child Arrangements Order as this can be a complex and emotional process. A lawyer can advise you on the legal process and the likelihood of your application being granted. They can also provide guidance on the best approach to take and the evidence required to support your application.

                                        In conclusion, while grandparents do not have automatic legal rights to see their grandchildren in England and Wales, they can apply to the court for access. However, it is essential to seek legal advice before making an application. Grandparents play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren, and it is important to ensure that they can maintain contact when it is in the child’s best interests.

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