OLS Solicitors Blog

Simplify Child Arrangements for The Summer Holidays

By Lara Davies on July 28, 2023

learn how to arrange holidays when you are separated

Child Arrangements in the holidays – Plan Ahead for Success!

Navigating child arrangements during the summer holidays after a separation can be a challenging task for many parents. At OLS Solicitors, we understand the difficulties that may arise when trying to come to an agreement with your ex-partner. To help you through this period, we have prepared some guidance that we hope will prove beneficial during the holidays.

Start planning early

Our first piece of advice is to start planning child arrangements well in advance of the school holidays. Last-minute decisions are more likely to clash with your ex-partner’s plans and may not work out smoothly. Early planning and open communication are key. Put together a comprehensive plan outlining how you intend to share your time during the holidays and share this with your ex-partner for their consideration.

When discussing arrangements, it’s crucial to include all relevant details, such as exact timings and locations for pick-ups and drop-offs, to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts. Do not involve the children in dealing with these logistics; it’s the responsibility of the parents to handle these matters.

For added clarity, we recommend following up any verbal discussions with a written message or email confirming the agreed-upon arrangements. This documentation can help prevent any confusion or disagreements later on.

Planning a Holiday? Coordinate with Your Ex-Partner!

If you’re planning a holiday during the school break, always communicate with your ex-partner before booking any dates. Ensuring both parents are aware of holiday plans helps avoid overlapping vacations.

With a total of 13 weeks of school holidays each year, it should be feasible to find non-conflicting periods for holidays. As always, confirm any discussions regarding holiday plans in writing to avoid future disputes.

Traveling Abroad with Your Child?

For international travel with your child, it’s essential to obtain permission from all parties with parental responsibility. This applies unless one parent has a child arrangements order, and even then, missed time with the other parent needs to be made up. Provide full flight and accommodation information to the other parent as part of the permission process.

Not obtaining permission to take your child abroad could lead to criminal charges for abduction. If your ex-partner refuses to grant permission, you can seek a Specific Issue Order from the Court, allowing you to take the child abroad for a specific period.

Conversely, if your ex-partner intends to take your child abroad, and you have concerns, it is advisable to seek advice from a Family Lawyer to understand your rights and explore available options.

Traveling within England or Wales?

At present, there is no legal requirement to obtain the other parent’s consent to take your child on holiday within England or Wales, even if they have parental responsibility. Scotland and Northern Ireland have different legal systems, but no specific agreement is required for children to travel there.

However, if there is a Court Order in place that prohibits taking the child on holiday, the police and courts can intervene to ensure compliance, as Court Orders for Child Arrangements are legally binding.

Arranging Contact with the Other Parent During the Holiday

To avoid misunderstandings or conflicts during the holiday, it’s essential to manage expectations regarding contact with the other parent. Agree on when and how often the child can make or receive telephone/video calls. Sharing holiday details, such as location and itinerary, with the other parent can help alleviate concerns for the parent staying at home.

Our Committed Family Lawyers Are Here to Help

At OLS Solicitors, our dedicated team of Family Lawyers is here to assist you with all matters related to child arrangements. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to explore how we can support you through this challenging period.

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    • Lara Davies

      Lara is our Head of Legal Practice and a director. She advises on complex financial remedy proceedings, private child disputes, and Inheritance Act cases. She also has a keen interest in protecting vulnerable clients, particularly those who have experienced forms of domestic violence in their relationships. Lara has often represented fathers in private child proceedings and has a unique understanding of the challenges faced by them. Lara is keen horsewoman, and has spent her life competing in national and regional level dressage competitions with success. She is also a keen runner, and has completed Marathons, Half-Marathons and mountain races – she is now building up to her first ultra-marathon. Lara loves being outside in the mountains; her favourite place is the Scottish Highlands where she can be found a few times a year with her other half and their Pug in their campervan. She is slowly making her way through climbing each of the Scottish Munros and high peaks of England and Wales. Lara is a Welsh speaker.

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