Consent Order Review

consent iorder in divorce review

Consent Order Review Service

from just £399 +vat


Have you been presented with a financial consent order to sign by a solicitor or by your ex-spouse and need help in understanding what it means?


Get expert advice on:

  • What a draft consent order you have received means to you in financial terms.
  • Why a consent order is important in your case.
  • What other documents need to be completed and the procedure for getting them ready.
  • What happens once everything is agreed between you and your ex in terms of implementation and timings.
  • *Whether on the face of the order it might encounter difficulties in being accepted by the court.

*Please be aware – the solicitor will not be able to tell you if you should personally accept the settlement set out in the consent order. This is because they would need to see all your and your ex’s financial paperwork first to do this. If this is what you would like the solicitor to do, talk to them about the cost of this work.

Upto £1 million in assets -Fixed Fee £399 + vat
Above £1 miion in assets -Fixed Fee £599+vat

Contact us today to set up your consent order review

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